In less than amicable divorce situations, couples may attack each other from every direction. And one of those ways is hiding marital assets – the very assets that belong to each person in a marriage. In these scenarios, you must uncover these assets as best as you...
Guiding you through the complex, emotional legal issues facing you and your family.
Year: 2021
What if my spouse does not want the divorce?
Realizing that your marriage is no longer working can be hard, but even more so if your spouse doesn’t accept it. Your spouse’s unwillingness can make filing for divorce more complicated. Still, it is possible to get divorced even if they are unwilling. However, an...
8 signs that divorce looms in your relationship
The clever repartee has disappeared, so have the signs of affection. And when you pass each other at home, a sour look on the face of your spouse greets you, having long replaced the welcoming smile you were accustomed to seeing. You now are in separate rooms, and...
Dividing some assets can be challenging in divorce
A divorcing couple will face numerous challenges while advancing through the process. From child support and spousal maintenance to property division and parenting plans, the process of splitting one household into two can take its toll emotionally and financially....
The challenges of a high-asset divorce
One of the most contentious areas of any divorce is property division. Spouses sometimes fight tooth and nail in order to get what they deem a fair share of marital assets. Having many high-value assets present can magnify these “battles.” In a standard divorce, there...