Skilled Help With Orders Of Protection
When people hear “orders of protection,” they immediately think of a restraining order that is designed to keep a person away. While an order of protection can function in this way, they can also address a number of other issues, depending on your needs and goals. At the law firm of Hawthorne & Vesper, PLLC, our attorneys help draft orders of protection and can identify potential problem areas for people in need of family legal help.
Tailoring An Order To Fit Your Situation
If you or a member of your household is a victim of domestic violence, it makes sense to take out a restraining order against the abuser. However, what if you are experiencing other problems with an ex that does not involve violence? In these cases, an order of protection can also help achieve your goals. For example, if your ex is keeping your child for longer than the time spelled out in your custody agreement, you can create an order of protection stating that you must be provided adequate notice if your ex desires to spend more time with your child.
Our lawyers can help tailor an order to target specific behaviors and outcomes. We will work closely with you to determine how far an order should go and what it needs to address to help put your mind at ease.
Contact Us For Help Protecting Your Interests
We can let you know how an order of protection can benefit you and your family. To schedule an initial consultation, call us at 716-261-9835. You may also contact us online. From our offices in downtown Buffalo, we represent people throughout western New York.